Saturday, July 4, 2009

The last post

Well, this is the last post of the term and I'm going to talk about the blogging experience.
The experience with blog has been strange; because I have a blog, in where wrote about my life and other things, but I’m bored, because few people read my blog and I thought that is so bored, but this experience has been good because you write in the blog and the classmates read your post ant comment the post, and wrote every week, because before, in my other blog, I wrote only one time for month, but I liked this new experience in blog, moreover writing in English!!
I believe that this blogging experience has been very good for me and I enjoy somewhat this experience because in this experience I could share the topic for write and comment with the classmates about his experiences.
I think that this experience with the blogs in the English class, is very good, because it has help me to improve my English, in the form of writing and speak, because help to know more word, and speak with more vocabulary.
I believe that is a good idea incorporate to the blog for the teach of English, because the advantages of the write in the blog are that help to write better in English, but the disadvantages are that you have less class because the blog, I think that the blog is a complement with the activities in class
I hope this will be my last post in english!
see you

...This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only friend, the end... (8)

My ideal job

Hello, I’m talk about my ideal job

Well, I don’t think about this topic, but I like work with persons, in a group. My ideal job would be work in a place where could analyze the public policies, I really like my career so I want work in this aspect of my study.

The skills that should take are: work in group and intellectual competence, its all for work in this, but you need go to university for development this competence.

This would my ideal job, but is very difficult found this job, because there few jobs in this area and you need be very intelligent and have many competences in all areas of knowledge.

Well this would be my ideal job, but I believe that I never work in this, but I like also work in a Education, also would be my ideal job, how public administrator in the future, I would happy work in the Ministry of Education, in the future, for maybe change this system or help to change. For this I need study so much for end my career and lucky for found a job in the ministry.

Find work in the ministry of education couldn’t be easier because in the ministry in general there more jobs you need pass the test and the selections


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Diego's Blog

Today i'm talk about a classmate's blog. i chose the Diego's blogs
Diego is my friend and he's most know how "Shang" in the university, because he is alike to a character of the videogame called Mortal Kombat, he's alike to "Shang tzung"
First I'm comment about the post with the topic about "The Change in the constitution", Diego want change the Constitution of the country, because the constitution is the fundamental law in a country, but principally want change because this law was voted in a dictatorship, without guarantee in the campaign and election.
Other change that Diego want is the binomial system because this system is not representative with the people, because help the second majority and excludes to the minority
And the last change that Diego want is the change in education, he thought that the education is a right for all the citizen
I think that the post of Diego is very interesting, because i agree with his thought, but i think that is not necessary a new constitution, but i think that is necessary a change in the constitution, for example in economical model.
The change in the binominal system is absolutely necessary but i think that the mejor system is the majority system and not the representative system.
Obviously in education is a change that i want, i agree with diego in this change.
The design in the blog is very simple but the photos are very communist, for example in the Diego's post show the picture with the slogan "The cultures said: No to the exclusion"
I change in the Diego's blog the colors and the name of the blog because the blog is name "class of english (2.0)"
In general is a good blog, is nice to see
well, is all
see you!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

schools kills the creativity

Hi everybody

In this opportunity I’m talk about Sir Ken Robinson, he spoke in a conference about the school kills the creativity, is a idea supported in the experience in the local education, principally in USA and UK, because Sir ken Robinson lived in this countries.

The principal idea is that the schools not encourage the creativity and prefer other subjects such as mathematic or language and not promote the arts, for example: the dance, the music, etc.

This is the principal problem of the public schools. Sir Ken Robinson propose that the traditional form of teach could be change and possibility the other expressions of the mind

My opinion on the matter, I agree with the Sir Robinson because the public schools and the schools in general have a form of teach of the nineteenth century and still are utilized, and can use other form to teach for benefit all the talents into of the school.

Well is all for today

See you

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Change in the chilean politics! (one thing)

Hi people
I could change the Chilean politics would principally the political party system and fundamentally the binominal system because this system produces discrimination to the people that want participate in a political position as: senator or Member of Parliament, for example. This system prevents that people without political party can access to the political power. This system is where only two parties or coalition compete for the power! This mechanism excludes to the minority or political parties minorities such as: communist party or humanist party, for example.
This change will produce that more people interest for the politics and could participate in an election for political positions
I believe that the system of election could be a system where only wins the majority and not a system of election proportional, for example, because the community of the local areas knows the problem that affect them, and obviously not to the binominal system
Well, I don´t like the political parties, are strange and not represents the thought of the people
See you!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Best fried

Hello everybody!
Today, i'm going to talk about my best friend
I have three best friends, My best friends are Jaime, Enrique and Benjamin. They were my classmates in the school, jaime since 2002, Enrique since third grade in the school and benjamin i know since 2001. They are very funny, with enrique i played in a band, and then without a band, with benjamin i played volleyball and with all play tennis, but not only sports also we play in the "playstation" in the jaime's house and drink a beer maybe, talk about the music because like the similar music, only rock!!!
Well my friends are students, benjamin study
engineering, jaime kine and Enrique study music teacher.
i like because are relax, intelligent, very funny, ever had a word for you
I like share with them is very funny, because all things we do. They are a great persons always
be when you need it
well is all for today
see you

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Favourite web site


In this time i'm going to talk about my favourite web site, for me is very difficult talking about only web site, because i haven't, but i going to talk about the web site that i visit so much, this is, this is a page where you do an account y then upload photos, comments,etc. and you can received comment of your friends that you accepted and that also did register in this page, it's very funny, this page is similar to a blog, but facebook have a chat, and applications for entertainment, for example, facebook have an application for play tenis with the keyboard, is very funny, also you can create groups and added in this groups. This groups are of political, science, soccer teams, university, etc, there are groups for all!

This page i discovered for e-mail, because my friend send a invitation for add this page, and i registered and begin in the facebook's world

I visit my facebook everyday, and know about my friends and post in his facebooks is very funny you can register, is free!!!

It's all for today!